Monday, December 17, 2012

Peppy Peplum

My current fashion obsession this weekend? Peplum tops, not just regular peplum tops but peplum stripe tops! They're just too gorgeous to just get one.

Peplums are girly and has a vintage feel to them. Yet they're like skirts but not like them because they sit at your waist. I was hesitant at first  because I wasn't sure my waistline could handle it but you know what? After putting one on, I felt it helped out my waistline a bit. There's no harm in trying one at any store so I highly suggest it!

I picked up a few at Forever 21 this weekend but then saw some I adored online after. Ever feel like you had buyers' remorse even if it just a few dollars? I think we know how that feels.

I've chosen a few that I couldn't keep my eyes away from online. Had to show you gals...

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's here....

I mean the holidays! The holidays are so hectic I wonder how some families go about them. I'm in awe. With that being said, I am obsessed with coats and jackets right now. Can't get 'nuff of them. Is there one your particularly hung up on? For example, I'm hung up on capes right now. They're classy and chic. I'm in search for a colored one to match with some black boots. Yum!

What are your thoughts on the ones below? Help me out here! =)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Take some time...

Took me a little time but I guess a getaway for a few weeks is good for anyone.

Have you ever visited a completely foreign land and came back home and suddenly things feel different and you see start to view things differently?

Try it some time, go somewhere where you don't even understand the language, come home and see if you feel the same. I do and I don't, weird feeling.

Anyways, what I felt was most different in all the places I had visited is definitely the fashion. 

I came to the conclusion that the U.S. is a melting pot not only of culture but of fashion. Each country has their own sense of style but in the U.S., anything goes for all cultures and ethnicities.

Which country do you like the fashion best? Paris, Japan, Brazil?

The fashion possibilities are endless...

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fri Fri Friday!

We're almost there. 5 more hours (in PST terms). Freedom is calling (only for two days though).

What shall we do? Is it me or is it extremely hard to even focus when it comes down to the last even 5 hours of work? 

Like me..blogging right now...shh!

It'll be 90 degrees here in LA. Can ya believe it? I can't either. I'll be attending a wonderful wedding of two awesome people (one of them being my HS buddy)!

Here's my outfit plan (imaginary and hoping):

Thursday, October 25, 2012

It's just one of 'em days...

Today I need a breather because everything seems to be getting to me. You know how some days of work is just not going right or everything bugs you?

I'm just being human here!

I need to remind myself of this...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tis the Fall Season...

Much to my objection, Fall is definitely in California, or is it? News says it'll be 90 degrees this weekend (again!).

I pull out my sweater and put away my sweater. I put on a jacket, I leave my jacket.

I don't remember the ups and downs of the weather being this drastic in CA. I literally have the urge to wear socks right now because my toesies are a bit cold. Yet I'll prob be wearing my maxi dress this weekend...

One thing for sure, you do have to sometimes pull out your umbrella here in the morning with the mists of rain. I found a few that are just sooo adorable!

I'm unsure of their abilities but definitely could be an added accessory!

Which one do you like?

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Travel Shoes

I'll be traveling overseas soon and will be doing some major walking around the country and city visiting various tourist areas. 

I know the suggested pair of shoes to wear are sneakers but what if I would like to be just a little bit more stylish? Could I wear flats? I think it'd be okay because I'm more comfortable in my flats than sneakers...

I really need help on this one, any gals have any suggestions on some great stylish travel shoes?

I found some of these below... which one?!